Is today your birthday?
If not, is today your day? On my birthday last year I got an email from a research company looking for participants to lose weight and more importantly maintain it. I was feeling kind of low, and I saw it as a message to change my life. I decided on that day, my birthday, I was going to accept the challenge. For 6 months I met weekly with my support group. We discussed different topics focusing on daily exercise, eating healthier, and handling excuses we make as individuals to why we don’t lose weight. It took 6 months, but I am happy to report I lost 35 pounds. More importantly have been able to maintain it. I want to continue to maintain it, and it is because of this I started plan2BFIT. Our concept is similar to the program I participated in. Is this your day? Is this your message to change your life? Join us for our next free informational workshop, Our next 6 month workshop starts on October 16th, 2p.m. Find out how plan2bfit can help you lose weight.